Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Lab 2.1

Lab 2.1

Q In the textbook please complete Lab 2.1 at the end of Chapter 2. Once you have completed the lab please answer the following questions: 1. Are you ready to exercise? 2. Did the ParQ indicate that exercise is likely to be safe for you? 3. Is there anything in your health profile that you think may affect your ability to exercise safely? 4. Have you had any problems with exercise in the past? Please type your responses and save under a File-Lab #2.1. Once you have completed and saved the questions please submit your file via the Submit Assignment tab. Click on the tab and follow the instructions for submission. This assignment is due by April 3rd, 11:00 pm. PreviousNext

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1. I am ready to exercise but have conditions that might prevent me from making certain moves. My tailbone was broken when the doctor used the vacuum to deliver my baby. I am still dealing with the consequences almost 17 months later. It hurts to stand for a long time, or if I try to jog, I have this shooting pain and loud clicking sound that goes down my leg. 2. For the most part, it should be safe for me. 3. I have a pinched nerve in my neck from previous lifting years. Extremely low blood pressure from time to time, and unexplained dizziness and fainting.